Property Damage. . .It can be weird.

clement127 via / CC BY-NC-ND

clement127 via / CC BY-NC-ND

Plain and simple as that . . . any “property you damage” this coverage pays out when it is your fault or even partially your fault in some cases.  That could be naturally the car you hit.   . . .the car you hit and the Christmas packages that were in the back of the non-fault parties’ car. . . the car you hit and the car in front of that one and the car in front of that one. . . it can even be the telephone pole that you hit that fell on top of another four cars on the parking lot while blowing out a $15,000 transformer too.   Yeah it can be all of those things and more; it isn’t always only one car and keep that in mind while you decide what limit of coverage you prefer!


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